Square Enix has released the second volume of its SaGa: Scarlet Grace – Hiiro no Yabou Development Interview series, which showcases how the game runs across all four available platforms: PlayStation 4, Switch, PC (Steam), and smartphones (iOS / Android).
The video also provides a table outlining the differences between each platform, including resolution, frame rate, and textures:
1080p PS4 Pro: 4K
1080p Table / Handheld Mode: 720p
Configurable in the Options
Differs by model
Differs by model
Max Frame Rate
High resolution
High resolution
High resolution
Standard resolution
Standard resolution
Opening Movie
Includes video file
Supported Controllers
DualShock 4, etc.
Joy-Cons, Switch Pro Controller
XInput, DirectInput, Steam Controller
Unity functional standard
Unity functional standard
Controller Vibration
Controller Sound Effects
Outside of the video, Square Enix put out a press release and batch of screenshots highlighting the characters and features from the original PS Vita release, as well as the following new features we first introduced earlier this week:
■ New Elements
A survey for players who played the original game that you can take before starting the game. By checking off the boxes for the protagonists whose stories you cleared in the original game, you will be able to play events in this game that require those stories be cleared to occur.
Elements Carried Over in Additional Playthroughs
By starting a game from game clear data, you can choose to carry over the following elements:
Elements You Can Choose to Carry Over from Your Second Playthrough
Techniques and arts you have acquired
Techniques and arts rank
Roles you have acquired
Battle formations
Industrial development progress
Elements You Can Choose to Carry Over After Clearing the Stories of the Four Protagonists
Materials and equipment
Blacksmith rank
The following elements are automatically carried over:
Information about the protagonists whose stories you have cleared (including those checked off in the survey before starting the game)
The amount of times you have cleared the game
The names of enemies you have fought
The names of the techniques and arts you have learned
■ New Town Facilities
Trade-In Shop
A facility where you can trade-in items you do not need. The items you can trade-in and receive differ by town.
A new feature where you can dispatch party members on jobs introduced by the town agency. There are various jobs, and while your party member will be unable to participate in battle during their dispatch, you can expect compensation when they return.
Plaza: Poet
A poet that appears in towns all over the world. By listening to his poetry, you can learn about that region’s unique legends and affairs.
Plaza: Theater
Two-person dramas that play out in the corners of towns and villages. By watching their play, you may be able to learn about various myths.
Plaza: Weapon Maniac
A man who loves weapons and will lecture with his vast stock of knowledge about them appears in the plaza. By showing him the weapons he says he wants to see, you may be able to get something out of it.
Collector Hut
An Imperial librarian who gathers up rare items from all over the world. You will be able to help her gather items.
SaGa: Scarlet Grace first launched for PS Vita in Japan in December 2016. SaGa: Scarlet Grace – Hiiro no Yabou, which adds tons of additional content, is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, PC, and smartphones in Japan on August 2. An English version is also planned, but has yet to be dated. Read more about the game here.
Watch the footage below. View the screenshots at the gallery.