Resogun ‘Heroes’ DLC details, trailer, and screenshots
Ship Editor and local co-op coming via free patch.
Sony has fully detailed Resogun‘s upcoming ‘Heroes’ DLC, first announced earlier this morning.
For $4.99, the expansion will include:
- Survival Mode – Survival is an endless mode that retains a lot of the core mechanics from the original Arcade mode. A few things have been switched up, like scoring, and humans have parachutes. The day/night cycle is another prominent feature. As you play, the varying time of day provides a great aesthetic and visual indicator, letting you know how far you have come. Survival mode is for players who know they can always do a bit better. It intends to stay true to the arcade feeling.
- Demolition Mode – Demolition is a quantum leap from the original gameplay mechanics. “Arkanoid meets Resogun” is one way to sum it up. Demolition has you watching out for not only the enemies coming at you, but also the chaotic bombardment of the unpredictable main weapon in the mode. You can only move and your only weapon is a limited proximity explosion. No boost, overdrive, or bombs. You will die a lot.
Additionally, a patch will be released containing small fixes, new leaderboard and friend functions, a Ship Editor, and a local-co-op mode.
Watch the ‘Heroes’ trailer below. View some screenshots at the gallery.