Atlus teases new Etrian Odyssey reveal this week
New Atlus development adds to a big Weekly Famitsu.
Famitsu this week will have the first scoop on Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2: Break Code. But it will also feature the latest development on the Etrian Odyssey series with comment from director Shigeo Komori.
That is, according to a tease from the official Etrian Odyssey Twitter account.
In a separate tweet, Komori said the game is at last nearing completion, and that they’re aiming at a new Etrian Odyssey with “various experiments.”
The latest Etrian Odyssey, Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan, launched for 3DS last July in Japan, last month in North America, and will launch in Europe this spring.
Weekly Famitsu usually leaks on Tuesday nights. This week’s flying get should be an interesting one. We’ll see not only Devil Survior 2 and Etrian Odyssey, but also the next Atelier game, PS Vita‘s Neptunia games, a new PlayStation 3 and PS Vita game from Sega, and new details on Sen no Kiseki, Killer is Dead, and Drakengard 3.
Thanks, My Game News Flash.