Gravity Crash developer Just Add Water announced their first Oddworld title last month as a PlayStation Network remake of Xbox‘s Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath. Oddly enough, the multiplatform developer didn’t announce an Xbox LIVE Arcade version alongside the PlayStation Network game. Today, the developer spoke on the situation.
“There are a number of factors that are currently sitting in our way to announce a 360 version of the title,” Just Add Water wrote on their blog, “whilst we can’t go into all the details, what I can say is we are working with Microsoft to get the title on that platform, however the final decision is NOT ours.
“One thing we can discuss in regard to the 360 version is the size of the game. On XBLA there is a 2GigaByte size limit we have to adhere to, currently the title weighs in at 2.1GB and that is without any updates, so either we have to pull a miracle out of the bag with some type of amazing compression system, or ask Microsoft to increase their 2GB limit, however this limit is apparently hardware led, so please let us try and make a miracle happen.'”
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath is currently due for an Easter release on PlayStation Network. If anything comes up on the Xbox 360 version, rest assured we’ll keep you in the loop.