Killzone HD remake to be bundled with Killzone 3? [Update]

Update: SCEE has told VG247 that reports of the Killzone high-def remake are “false”. Too bad, folks.
Original: This one’s feasible here, but we’re still taking it with a grain of salt. With God of War Collection, Sly Collection, the E3-announced Medal of Honor: Frontline inclusion on PS3‘s Medal of Honor (2010) disc, and the recent talk of Sony “looking to continue” bringing HD classics to the PS3, why not a Killzone HD classic on the Killzone 3 disc?
That’s exactly what PlayStation gamer Andrew White asked Guerrilla Games. Their response was simple.
“”No comment” says I. :)”
No comment, he says. That smiley face makes me suspicious – looking at me, smiling and what not.