3DSPS VitaPS3PS4Wii U10 years ago85Media Create Sales: 2/9/15 – 2/15/15The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D debuted at top seller with 230,000 sales in …
3DSPS VitaPS3PS4Wii U10 years ago25Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1366This week’s Famitsu review scores are in.
3DS10 years ago1The Seven Deadly Sins: Unjust Sin dated in JapanThe Seven Deadly Sins: Unjust Sin will launch for 3DS in Japan on February 11 …
3DS10 years ago7The Seven Deadly Sins: Unjust Sin teaser trailerBandai Namco has released a teaser trailer for its newly announced 3DS game The Seven …
3DS10 years ago37The Seven Deadly Sins game announced for 3DSA 3DS game based on The Seven Deadly Sins manga and anime series is in …