3DSWii U9 years ago57Nintendo sales update: Splatoon at four million, Super Mario Maker at 3.34 million, moreNintendo has released its earnings report for the nine-month period ended December 2015, revealing sales …
3DSPS VitaPS3PS4Wii U9 years ago70Media Create Sales: 10/19/15 – 10/25/15The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes for 3DS opened its first week with 54,000 sales …
3DSPS VitaPSPWii U9 years ago13Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1402This week’s Famitsu review scores are in.
3DS9 years ago12The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes preview trailerNintendo has released a new preview trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes.
3DS9 years ago12The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes launches October 23The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes will launch for 3DS across North America and …
3DS9 years ago3The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes announced for 3DSNintendo has announced The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes, coming to 3DS this fall.