PS VitaPS310 years ago61Sword Art Online: Lost Song is developed by ArtdinkNew details on Sword Art Online: Lost Song, due out for PlayStation 3 and PS …
3DSPS VitaPS3PS4Wii UXbox 36010 years ago62Sales figures revealed for latest Naruto, One Piece, and Sword Art Online gamesBandai Namco’s latest financial results reveal sales numbers for some of the company’s main big …
PS VitaPS310 years ago68Tales of Xillia 2 and Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment now availableBandai Namco has not one, but two big RPG game releases in North America today.
PS Vita10 years ago21Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment screenshots show first DLC bundleBandai Namco has released a new set of Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment screenshots ahead …
PS Vita10 years ago61Tales of Hearts R, Sword Art Online, and One Piece PS Vita U.S. release dates setFollowing this morning’s European announcements, Bandai Namco has dated its upcoming PS Vita games in …
PS Vita10 years ago26Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment European release date announcedSword Art Online: Hollow Fragment will launch for PS Vita via PlayStation Network in Europe …
PS Vita10 years ago48Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment E3 2014 trailer, screenshotsBandai Namco released a new trailer and screenshots for Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment at …
PS Vita10 years ago60Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment July update trailerNamco Bandai has released a new trailer highlighting the added content in Sword Art Online: …
PS Vita10 years ago52Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment coming to Europe in JulyBandai Namco has confirmed it will release Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment in Europe and …
3DSPS VitaPS3Wii U10 years ago115Media Create Sales: 4/21/14 – 4/27/14Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, Bandai Namco’s newly launched PS Vita title, was the top …
PS Vita10 years ago54Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment July update includes increased level cap, 30 hours of additional play timeBandai Namco are planning a major Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment update set to launch …
PS Vita10 years ago184Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment coming to North AmericaBandai Namco is bringing Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment to North America as a digital-only …
3DSPS VitaPS3PSPXbox 36010 years ago44Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1324This week’s Famitsu review scores are in. Sort of.
PS Vita10 years ago20Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment fourth trailerNamco Bandai has released the fourth trailer for Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment.
PS Vita10 years ago6Yuuki joins Sword Art Online: Hollow FragmentYuuki Konno will join Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment has a heroine character, this week’s …