Xbox 360Xbox One9 years ago0Hand of Fate, Styx, more free for Xbox Live Gold subscribers in FebruaryMicrosoft has announced its lineup of free games for Xbox Live Gold subscribers in February. …
PCPS3Xbox 36011 years ago0Deep Silver bringing Saints Row IV and more to PAX EastDeep Silver has announced its lineup of titles for next weekend’s PAX East.
PCPS3Xbox 36012 years ago0Sacred Citadel featurette reveals KhukuriThe latest Sacred Citadel video featurette reveals new character Khukuri Shaman.
PCPS3Xbox 36012 years ago0Sacred Citadel Safiri character videoDeep Silver and Southend Interactive have released the first in a series of character featurette …
PCPS3Xbox 36012 years ago0Sacred Citadel, Sacred 3 announcedDeep Silver announced two new projects in the Sacred RPG series today.