Xbox 36016 years ago0Xbox 360 Japan Ad Sings “Joy to the World”What else could bring “Joy to the World” besides an Xbox 360 and a couple …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Square Enix Likes Xbox 360 Because It’s “Easy”Square Enix doesn’t pick favorites. They “don’t have a particular favorite platform”, but they do …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Star Ocean 4’s Engine Is The Evolved Infinite Undiscovery EngineOne of Square Enix’s most significant RPG’s hitting early next year is Star Ocean: The …
Xbox 36016 years ago2Star Ocean: The Last Hope “Only On Xbox 360”PLAYSTATION 3 fans are hoping that Square Enix’s upcoming Xbox 360 title, Star Ocean: The …
PS3Xbox 36016 years ago0PS3 & 360 Releases for the Week of September 1st, 2008This week is another good week for games. Pinata garden fans can finally get their …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Brand New Infinite Undiscovery TrailerSquare Enix have released a brand new trailer for their upcoming Infinite Undiscovery for the …
PS3Xbox 36016 years ago0PS3 & 360 Releases for the Week of August 25th, 2008We have a big week in releases starting tomorrow. For RPG fans, you’ll be able …
Xbox 36016 years ago0GC ’08: Infinite Undiscovery TrailerSquare Enix have released a brand new trailer of their upcoming tri-Ace developed Infinite Undiscovery …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Infinite Undiscovery Gets DLC on the Xbox LIVE MarketplaceSquare Enix have released a bit of pre-release downloadable content for their upcoming Xbox 360 …
Xbox 36016 years ago0X08: Infinite Undiscovery to be on Two DiscsOver at X08, a Square Enix representative has revealed that their upcoming Infinite Undiscovery for …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Japanese Xbox 360 Retailer Teases RPGsOver in Japan, our one place we’d love to be right now, a retailer is …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Infinite Undiscovery GT Video PreviewIn a new preview for Square Enix’s upcoming Infinite Undiscovery, they show us some of …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Infinite Undisocvery: Two New Gameplay VideosSquare Enix and tri-Ace have released two new gameplay videos of their upcoming Infinite Undiscovery …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Infinite Undiscovery: 30 New Screenshots[singlepic=3785,494,278,center] Square Enix have released thirty new screenshots of their upcoming Xbox 360 RPG exclusive, …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Infinite Undiscovery Achievements ReleasedSquare Enix have released the list of achievements for their upcoming Xbox 360 exclusive, Infinite …