3DS6 years ago2Etrian Odyssey Nexus ‘Challenges’ trailerAtlus has released a new trailer for Etrian Odyssey Nexus introducing the game’s challenges.
3DS6 years ago6Etrian Odyssey Nexus ‘Mapping’ trailerAtlus has released a new trailer for Etrian Odyssey Nexus introducing the game’s “Mapping” feature.
3DS6 years ago12Etrian Odyssey Nexus first English trailerAtlus has released the first English trailer for Etrian Odyssey Nexus.
3DS6 years ago32Etrian Odyssey Nexus launch edition announcedAtlus has unveiled the Etrian Odyssey Nexus launch edition. Pre-orders and early purchases of the …
3DS6 years ago45Etrian Odyssey Nexus coming west on February 5, 2019Etrian Odyssey X, which launched for 3DS in Japan on August 2, is coming to …
3DSPS VitaPS4Switch6 years ago25Media Create Sales: 7/30/18 – 8/5/18Etrian Odyssey X, the final 3DS entry in the Atlus-developed dungeon RPG series, sold 71,946 …
6 years ago68Atlus teases the “next stage” of Etrian OdysseyWith Etrian Odyssey X due out for 3DS on August 2 in Japan, Atlus has …
3DS6 years ago0Etrian Odyssey X ‘Adventurers of Arcadia’ classes trailerAtlus has released a new trailer for Etrian Odyssey X dubbed “Adventurers of Arcadia” that …
3DS6 years ago0Etrian Odyssey X ‘Adventurers of Tharsis’ classes trailerAtlus has released a new trailer for Etrian Odyssey X dubbed “Adventurers of Tharsis” that …
3DS6 years ago0Etrian Odyssey X first-print bonus DLC ‘New Adventurer Illustration Pack’ trailerAtlus has released a new trailer for Etrian Odyssey X introducing the game’s first-print bonus …
3DS6 years ago4Etrian Odyssey X details world map, small labyrinths, moreAtlus has released new information and screenshots of Etrian Odyssey X introducing the world map, …
3DS6 years ago13Etrian Odyssey X ‘Adventurers of Armoroad’ classes trailerAtlus has released a new trailer for Etrian Odyssey X dubbed “Adventurers of Armoroad” that …
3DS6 years ago4Etrian Odyssey X ‘Adventurers of High Lagaard’ classes trailerAtlus has released a new trailer for Etrian Odyssey X dubbed “Adventurers of High Lagaard” …
3DS6 years ago2Etrian Odyssey X second trailerAtlus has released the second official trailer for Etrian Odyssey X, its upcoming final 3DS …