Smartphone9 years ago55Chaos Rings III now available for smartphones in EnglishChaos Rings III, which launched for smartphones and PS Vita last October in Japan, is …
3DSPS VitaPS3PS4Wii U10 years ago140Media Create Sales: 10/13/14 – 10/19/14Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate remains on top in this week’s Japanese sales chart. The 3DS …
PS Vita10 years ago48Chaos Rings I, Omega, and II are downloads in Chaos Rings III: Prequel TrilogyPhysical cart lovers beware. If you plan on importing Chaos Rings III: Prequel Trilogy for …
3DSPS VitaPS3Xbox 360Xbox One10 years ago59Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1349This week’s Famitsu review score are in.
PS VitaSmartphone10 years ago27Chaos Rings III ‘theme song’ trailerSquare Enix has released a new trailer for Chaos Rings III highlighting the game’s CG …
PS VitaSmartphone10 years ago20Chaos Rings III debut trailerSquare Enix has released the debut trailer for Chaos Rings III.
PS Vita10 years ago32Chaos Rings III: Prequel Trilogy includes every Chaos RingsChaos Rings III: Prequel Trilogy will include Chaos Rings, Chaos Rings II, and Chaos Rings …
PS VitaSmartphone10 years ago45Chaos Rings III announced for smartphones and PS VitaSquare Enix has announced Chaos Rings III, the third entry in its popular Media Vision-developed …