PS Vita10 years ago26BioShock Vita would have been a Final Fantasy Tactics style RPGBioShock creative director Ken Levine has opened up on the once planned PS Vita entry …
PS Vita11 years ago31Ken Levine “trying to make a match” for BioShock VitaBioShock for PS Vita, as dead was we thought it was, might still be a …
PS Vita13 years ago1Levine: BioShock Vita still in “paper design stage,” could be outsourcedIrrational Games boss Ken Levine announced BioShock for PlayStation Vita at E3 in Los Angeles …
PS Vita13 years ago3Levine: BioShock Vita is “strange and surprising”At E3 last month, Irrational Games boss Ken Levine stepped on stage at the Sony …