PS VitaPS310 years ago0Tales of Xillia 2 and Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment now availableBandai Namco has not one, but two big RPG game releases in North America today.
PS Vita10 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment screenshots show first DLC bundleBandai Namco has released a new set of Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment screenshots ahead …
PS Vita10 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment E3 2014 trailer, screenshotsBandai Namco released a new trailer and screenshots for Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment at …
PS Vita10 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment July update trailerNamco Bandai has released a new trailer highlighting the added content in Sword Art Online: …
PS Vita10 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment coming to Europe in JulyBandai Namco has confirmed it will release Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment in Europe and …
PS Vita10 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment July update includes increased level cap, 30 hours of additional play timeBandai Namco are planning a major Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment update set to launch …
PS Vita10 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment coming to North AmericaBandai Namco is bringing Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment to North America as a digital-only …
PS Vita10 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment fourth trailerNamco Bandai has released the fourth trailer for Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment.
PS Vita11 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment third trailerNamco Bandai has released the third trailer for Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, coming to …
PS Vita11 years ago0Instruct your partner in Sword Art Online: Hollow FragmentThe latest set of Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment screenshots provides new details on the …
PS Vita11 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment first-run bonus announcedFirst-run copies of Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment will include a “Wedding Dress” costume, Namco …
PS Vita11 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment second trailer, screenshotsNamco Bandai shared a new trailer, screenshots, and details on Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment …
PS Vita11 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment limited edition detailedFollowing magazine leaks this weekend, Namco Bandai has confirmed Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment will …
PS Vita11 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment dated in JapanSword Art Online: Hollow Fragment will launch for PS Vita on April 24 in Japan.
PS Vita11 years ago0Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment forest area introducedThe latest set of Sword Art Online: Battle Fragment screenshots show a new area, battles, …