Smartphone6 months ago34Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius global version to end service on October 30The global version of free-to-play RPG Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius will end service on October …
Switch6 years ago2Mist Gears launches in late November in JapanThe Mist Gears smartphone game, which is part of the August-announced cross-media project from Alim, …
Smartphone6 years ago37Alim, tri-Ace, and Shueisha Character Business Bureau announce Mist Gears for smartphonesAlim, tri-Ace, and Shueisha Character Business Bureau have announced Project Mist Gears, a new cross-media …
Smartphone8 years ago15Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius now available worldwideFinal Fantasy: Brave Exvius is now available worldwide for iOS via the App Store and …
Smartphone9 years ago25Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius launches October 22 in JapanFinal Fantasy: Brave Exvius will launch for iOS and Android on October 22, Square Enix …
Smartphone10 years ago34Square Enix unveils trio of new Final Fantasy smartphone projectsSquare Enix held a “Final Fantasy for Smartphone Conference” in Tokyo this morning, where it …