PS3Xbox 36010 years ago17Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas achievements surfaceGrand Theft Auto: San Andreas is coming to Xbox 360 and likely PlayStation 3. A …
PCPS3Xbox 36011 years ago0BioShock Infinite ‘Burial at Sea’ DLC achievements revealedIrrational Games has revealed the achievements and trophies for its upcoming ‘Burial at Sea, Episode …
Xbox One11 years ago23Xbox One auto records and saves video of AchievementsXbox One will record and save video of your Achievements, Microsoft has confirmed.
PS3Xbox 36012 years ago22Resident Evil: Revelations Xbox 360 achievements surfaceIn November, a Korean Game Rating Board mark revealed Resident Evil: Revelations, initially launched on …
PS3Xbox 36013 years ago17Final Fantasy XIII-2 Master of Monsters trailer, trophy/achievements listSquare Enix released a new Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer today, showing off the title’s monster …
PS3Xbox 36013 years ago1Dark Souls achievements revealedWe’re all wondering how much work Dark Souls will put us to come its October …
PS3Xbox 36013 years ago0L.A. Noire achievements and trophies revealedRockstar’s released the official achievements and trophy list for their upcoming detective thriller, L.A. Noire. …
Xbox 36015 years ago0New Mass Effect achievements signal new DLCChecking the list of achievements for Mass Effect will show three new achievements have been …
PS3Xbox 36015 years ago0Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on the Way, Gets AchievementsThere was a rumor about Marvel vs. Capcom 2 making its way towards the PlayStation …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Gears of War 2 Gets Seven New AchievementsOver at, seven new achievements for Gears of War 2 have turned up, all …
Xbox 36016 years ago0The Last Remnant Achievements ReleasedSquare Enix have released the achievements list for the upcoming Xbox 360 timed exclusive, The …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Portal: Still Alive Achievements ReleasedValve have released the list of achievements for their upcoming Xbox LIVE Arcade title, Portal: …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Far Cry 2 Achievements RevealedUbisoft has released the achievements list for their upcoming Far Cry 2. The Xbox 360 …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Rumor: New Halo 3 Achievements Leaked?We don’t know how this is all going to play out but these achievements were …
Xbox 36016 years ago0Fallout 3 Achievements List RevealedBethesda Softworks have revealed the achievements for their upcoming RPG and potential game of the …