The Last Clockwinder

Release Dates
(PC, Quest) Worldwide
Jun 2 2022
(PS VR2) Worldwide
Feb 22 2023

The Last Clockwinder is a virtual reality puzzle video game developed by Pontoco and published by Cyan Ventures.


You are on a mission to repair an ancient clocktower built into the trunk of a colossal tree. Inside, you find a pair of gloves that allow you to turn anything you do into a looping clockwork automaton.

Perform a Task

Use the Clockwinder’s gloves to turn every task into a looping clockwork automaton.

Create a Clone

These clones can do everything you can do, from planting to cutting to throwing items through the air.

Build a Contraption

Create an interconnected system out of your own clones. Grow plants, harvest resources, and work together to save the clocktower!

Key Features

  • Automate Everything – Perform simple tasks by hand, and then use the gloves to loop each task on repeat.
  • Team Up With Yourself – Coordinate your clones to create marvels of precision teamwork or hare-brained Rube Goldberg machines.
  • A Cozy Science-Fiction World – Tackle things at your own pace in a gorgeous setting inspired by watchmaking, science-fiction, and the natural world.
  • Rediscover Your Connection – Rediscover your connection to the Clocktower: Piece together your complicated past as you work to save your childhood home.

The Last Clockwinder Trailers