Motesolo: No Girlfriend Since Birth

Release Dates
(PC) Early Access
Dec 30 2020
(PC) Worldwide
Jun 9 2021
(PS5, Xbox Series, Switch) Worldwide
Nov 30 2023
(PS4) Worldwide
Mar 28 2024
Korean Title
Japanese Title
MOTESOLO -非モテ男の恋愛奮闘記

Motesolo: No Girlfriend Since Birth is a full-motion video game developed and published by Indicava Interactive. The console versions are published by CFK.


Motesolo: No Girlfriend Since Birth is an interactive movie game, uniquely produced to place you directly into a scene from a Korean drama, featuring events that branch out and send you to one of multiple endings.

Based on the information gathered while interacting with various in-game features, players may sympathize with Kimo as he tries to win over his date, Yumi Kim, or they can intentionally mess things up. Enjoy the various events your choices bring about!


“You’ve never been… in a single relationship?”

Kimo Kang, a man who knows how to relax with a caramel macchiato, has one fatal flaw. In all his thirty years, he’s never once been in a relationship, making him a Motesolo!

Once more, he takes an ambitious step into the love market, but for some reason, things refuse to go smoothly.

Will Kimo be able to steal his date’s heart and make this blind date a successful one…?

Key Featurse

  • Blind dates lead to all sorts of choices. Is the choice that leads to a favorable impression the correct one? The simplest of choices can lead to unexpected outcomes.
  • Interact with your surroundings! Who knows what new info or items you might find by investigating this café, the scene of our blind date. Check out all the apps on Kimo’s phone too. The parodies and Easter eggs hidden within are an added bonus.
  • Will this blind date end in success or failure? Or, could this be the beginning of a true relationship? See what ending you unlock for yourself!

Extra Content

Check out bonus content you’ll only find in an interactive movie game!

Watch the daily lives of the characters who immerse you in the story, bloopers and behind-the-scenes takes that bring the filming location to life, and more, all provided to let you delve 200% into this story-packed game.

Motesolo: No Girlfriend Since Birth News

Motesolo: No Girlfriend Since Birth Trailers