Monster Panic

Release Dates
(Switch) Worldwide
Mar 28 2024
(PS5) Worldwide
Sep 2024
Japanese Title
Official Website

Monster Panic is a roguelike action video game developed and published by HappyPlayer.


Aa fast-paced roguelike! Battle endless monsters, enjoy rapid roguelike thrills! Double the choices, unlock more classes, build unique talents! You are the hero!

Unlock your favorite classes, upgrade your preferred talents, face hundreds to thousands of monsters, make your choices, and play in your own style! But first, you need to make sure you can survive!

Key Features

  • Multiple classes to unlock: Knight, Samurai, Toxicologist, Maid, Werewolf, Mage—choose your favorite class.
  • More monsters. Face hundreds to thousands of monsters on the same screen, alone against a surging tide of beasts.
  • Over twenty weapons to choose from, each with over a dozen branches for selection!
  • Rich gameplay styles. Make each choice count and play in your own unique style!
  • Rich talents to upgrade, making your character even more unique!

Monster Panic Trailers