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Mashina is an adventure video game developed and published by Talha & Jack Co.


Mashina is a digging adventure by the developers behind Judero. You play as Mashina, a friendly mining robot tasked with finding minerals to help mend, build and nurture her quirky robot community.


The gameplay in Mashina is divided into two distinct sections; a deep, mysterious underground full of trinkets and minerals and a vibrant, fully explorable 3D overground.


A lot of the game will be spent exploring, discovering and reclaiming the underground world.

  • Use your radar to scope out objects of interest.
  • Dig to excavate rare minerals.
  • Store the rare minerals safely in Mashina’s backpack.
  • Deposit those minerals in your underground base.
  • Build helpful machines to aid your excavations.
  • Find robot pals, treasures, trinkets and more.
  • Explore the underground and discover an adventure waiting to happen.


  • Meet locals and get missions.
  • Upgrade your equipment.
  • Decorate your surroundings.
  • Explore and find collectables and secrets.

Art Style

Everything in Mashina is handmade out of various materials and animated using traditional stop-motion techniques. We then turn the animations into textures and sprites we can use in game, adding normal maps which let us have dynamic lighting and shadows.

Music and Sound

Music is an important part of our work. For Mashina we are making the extensive soundtrack using retro synths to make a sublime soundscape to chill out and dig to. All the sound effects are made using old synths too, to keep in keeping with the score.

Our robots are all fully voice acted and are voiced by some very talented people from across the gaming world and beyond.

Mashina Trailers