The broadcast, which features a girls-only cast on stage in celebration of Hinamatsuri (Girls’ Day) in Japan, will share new information and live gameplay for Metal Dogs, as well as discuss the Metal Max series from a female perspective.
Presenters include Erika Ishitobi (Toni voice actor in Metal Max Xeno and Metal Max Xeno: Reborn), ELFI Kaya (music production for Metal Max Xeno, Metal Max Xeno: Reborn, and Metal Dogs), and other Metal Max series female public relations and production staff not announced.
Online guests, who will not appear on stage, include Hiroshi Miyaoka (series creator), Satoshi Kadokura (series composer), Yuusuke Tomono (Metal Max Xeno: Reborn and Metal Dogs director), and others not announced.
The “New Metal Max Music Works / True End of Century Girls-Only Gathering” segment scheduled for the latter half of the broadcast will be limited to Niconico Premium members only.