Cladun X3 details editing tools, network features, and more classes
Create your own characters, maps, music, and more.
Nippon Ichi Software has released new information and screenshots for Cladun X3 introducing the game’s editing tools, network features, and three more character classes.
Get the details below.
■ Editing Tool: “Draw”
In the Cladun series, players can create their characters using pixel art. You can begin “Drawing” at your base.
—You can turn on guide lines, so that you will not lose your place when drawing.
—You are not limited to human characters. It is possible to create characters of all types of shapes, including sushi or fish.
—By making the feet like seaweed, you can make it look like your fish character is swimming.
If you feel like it is too difficult to draw from scratch, you can choose from 90 types of existing characters to start, and then create your own based off of it.
It is possible to edit portions of a character, so let’s create a character with pigtails using an existing character as a base.
—We are going to edit this side-ponytail character to create a pigtailed character. You can choose from three skin colors and 10 hair colors.
—Take the original hair, copy and paste, and adjust the position by flipping the pasted hair.
—Now you have easily created a character with pigtails!
If you are new to this “Draw” tool, try editing an existing character.
Not only can you create the front of your character, but you can also create facial expressions such as when your character takes damage. In addition, you can create walking or running animation, as well as attachments, such as weapons, armor, and wings.
—Customization isn’t limited to appearance. Your character’s name, description, dialogue, and even your standby motion can be changed.
■ Editing Tool: “Music”
In the Cladun series, players are also able to create their own background music and sound effects. It is a bit hard to use and could take some time to get used to, but do try this tool starting from this entry in the series.
Compared to the last entry, Cladun X3 allows for more expressions through more tones. New capabilities to set tone, envelopes, pink noise, and macro have been added, allowing for stronger expressions. In addition, you are allowed four times more characters compared to previous entries, which will let you create longer compositions.
To those who want to make music, but are intimidated by the process, we plan to release support tools on our official website.
Created music can be set as background music to the map of your created town, and can also be sent to other players through the “Network” tool.
—The available “Sample Music” can be used as background music as well. Background music of the Story Dungeon can be changed.
By creating and setting background music that fits your created map, it creates better atmosphere to your town.
■ Network Advanced Mode: Create Your Own Map and Share With Other Users
In the “Advanced Mode” of “Network,” you can share maps, characters, and background music with other players.
In Advanced Mode, you can create your own Town Maps and then upload them for other players to see. You can also download maps that other players have created and explore.
Town Map Creation Mode: Create Maps
You can create a variety of maps, from maps that fit your created character, to maps that you yourself would like to explore.
Choose from a variety of chips located at the top of the screen, and place them anywhere on the map.
—There are many types of chips, and they can be chosen through the “Chips List” for use in map creation.
—Chips can have either “Floor” or “Wall” properties. Characters can walk through “Floor” chips, while they cannot through “Wall” chips.
By creatively using the prepared chip sets, you can easily create not only RPG-style towns, but also various other settings, such as modern school settings, bars, Japanese shrines, and even murder crime scenes!
—A plethora of unique map chips are prepared for use, allowing you to create even suspenseful maps.
—Several sample maps have also been provided as well. You can take these sample maps and edit them to create your own towns.
Chip Creation Mode: For Those Obsessed with Customization
Chips can also be created through the “Draw” tool. Create your own chips, and build buildings and towns in your own distinct taste!
—You can combine multiple chips to create one build building. The possibilities are endless!
Drawing Placement Mode: Place Your Own Characters in Your Town
Once you create your map, use the “Drawing Placement Mode” to place your created characters on the map! You can decide your characters’ dialogue, whether they walk or not, whether they open up shop when talked to, and many other settings.
—The behaviors of characters can be set in great detail—whether they walk or not, talk, open shop when interacted, provide maps after being talked to, and changing the music following interactions.
—You can actually purchase items through the shop.
Internet Upload: Share Your Map With Other Players
If you’d like other people to play your maps and see your characters, try uploading your creations to the Internet! Other players of Cladun X3 may come and pay your maps a visit.
—Using “Network” to upload your characters and maps makes it possible for other players to freely download your creations. Using “Specific Release Upload” will allow you to choose specific people to share your uploads to.
World: Connect Your Towns to Create Gigantic Maps
“World” is a large map created by connecting multiple Town Maps. A maximum of 900 Town Maps can be connected. Towns of the same atmosphere can be created to create a large city. Town Maps that have hidden “Magic Maps” can be strung together and explored at once. There are many ways to use and enjoy maps!
—Detailed information can be seen, such as if a map has cartographs and if they have characters placed in them. You can create a world by choosing only the maps that interest you. (The screen and map names are still in development.)
Likes: Stress-Free Communication
Players can “Like” maps that they really enjoyed. Once a map is Liked, a notification is sent to the creator. The more Likes a creator gets, the more motivation they may have to create new and wonderful creations to upload. Use Likes to help the world of Cladun grow!
Official Worlds: Play in the Worlds of Nippon Ichi Software
You can visit the official world created by Nippon Ichi Software. There are plans to distribute surprise characters and collaboration maps, so make sure to periodically check the official website, as well the information page within the game for updates!
Network: Auto Mode – Explore the Maps of Other Players
You will be able to randomly download other players’ maps and explore their content. This is the choice for when you want to view other players’ Drawings or Town Maps, and find the hidden “Magic Map.”
—Go visit and enjoy unique maps created by other players!
■ Introductions to Three Out of the 10 Classes
Leave the undead to me! I can fly with divine power!
If set as the main character, you can use healing magic from the beginning.
Can learn “Blunt weapon,” “Bow,” and “Dagger” skills.
The only class that can deal a fatal blow to the undead.
Can learn Magic Circles that allow for flight, and those that are ideal for Ran-geons.
Strong and durable, and not afraid of status ailments!
Bonus resistance when guarding with a shield.
Can use Recovery magic to heal status ailments.
When in a support role, become a useful tank with their high HP.
Can learn Magic Circles that trains many supporting characters at once.
After gaining experience, Guardians can learn Magic Circles that change abilities when shielding.
Skills and magic! I want them all!
Can learn “Sword,” “Spear,” and “Bow” skills, as well as Elemental Magic.
Can use a variety of attacks, due to being able to learn both skills and magic.
Cooldown after using skills and magic are shorter.
Can learn Magic Circles that fire both skills and magic, allowing for a highly-desired attack using skills and magic simultaneously.