Split Studio has released an extended trailer for Among the Stars, its upcoming side-scrolling action adventure game for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.
Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:
Two sisters in search of a reunion.
An indigenous tale, from Brazil’s Pantanal to the world.
Amidst the chaos of a brutal assault on their indigenous tribe, the sisters Ari and Tai get separated from each other
In order to find her way back to her sister, Ari must delve deeper into her bond with the powerful Encantado spirit.
Unaware of her sister’s whereabouts, Tai embarks on a dangerous journey to find Ari.
She’s driven by her conviction that she still lives and her goal to put an end to the land grabbers’ destruction
Upon discovering she has an unexpected connection with a nature spirit, the Encantado, the little Ari embarks on a journey through the mysterious spiritual world.
Among the Stars.
Two lives torn apart by violence.
A heartwarming journey of reunion andresistance.
Digging to know more about the game, aren’t ya?
Dive into the world of Among the Stars: A 2D platform adventure that delivers an unforgettable experience with its strong storytelling, thrilling combat elements, and puzzle-solving action.
Ari’s Journey
Join Ari on her journey through a mystical world, powered by her supernatural abilities, as she and her spirit companion, the Encantado, explore the realm and unlock its secrets. Transform into different animals, each granting unique abilities, to enhance your combat powers, mobility, and puzzle-solving skills.
Playing as Ari, you’ll explore both the spiritual realm and the breathtaking landscapes of Pantanal, with the powers of the Encantado spirit by your side. Unveil the truth about Ari’s heritage, and fight against the forces of destruction to find her sister Tai and to prevent the destruction of her land.
Unlock the many transformations of the Encantado, as it takes on the form of various animals found in the Pantanal region. In addition, delve into a culturally rich landscape as Ari and the Encantado traverse the Kadiwéu and Guarani Kaiowá peoples’ universe.
Tai’s Journey
Play as Tai, who sets out on a mission to rescue his missing sister, Ari, reported missing after a land grabbing attack on their native community in the Pantanal. Discover the heart-wrenching story and social conflict elements between land grabbers and the indigenous communities of the Pantanal as you embark on this epic quest.
Following Tai’s timeline, you’ll embarking on an exciting journey through the diverse landscapes of the Pantanal, from its sprawling fields and dense forests, to quaint villages and bustling cattle ranches, to the very camps of the land grabbers themselves.
Watch the trailer below.