Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes DLC characters Uzuki, Ogre, and Izumi announced
Due out in August 2024, February 2025, and August 2025, respectively.
Publisher Arc System Works and developer French-Bread have Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes downloadable content characters Uzuki, Ogre, and Izumi. Uzuki will launch first in August 2024, followed by Ogre in February 2025, and Izumi in August 2025.
All three characters are included in the Season Pass, which is bundled with the physical Limited Edition for $79.99 or the Digital Deluxe Edition for $59.99. The Season Pass also includes an early unlock code for Kuon, who is playable in the base game.
Here is an overview of each new character, via Arc System Works:
Uzuki (voiced by Satomi Akesaka)
“All right! The time has come! J.J.! Tempest! We’re taking off! Say bye-bye, ’cause we’re outta here!”
Ability: Necromance
Weapon: Beloa
Uzuki is every bit as monstrous on the inside as she is elegant on the outside. All she wants to do is play with her bizarre powers and see lots of people suffer. This led her to join Amnesia, which she’d heard was full of interesting people. But when it turned out that the leader of Amnesia was obsessed with gaining further power in order to become a Re-Birth, Uzuki lost interest. Say bye-bye, ’cause we’re outta here! Images are under development. The solution was simple: All she had to do was rip things apart until the fun came back. Thus begins her story of rebellion.
Ogre (voiced by Hinata Tadokoro)
“I won’t get anywhere sitting here and pondering. Who knows? Maybe I’ll run into someone who’s my type… All right, now I’m getting motivated.”
Ability: Oblivion Bane
Weapon: N/A
The former leader of a faction of wielders called the Bankikai, Ogre once challenged Amnesia–the largest faction-to a duel. He came very close to defeating the all-powerful Paradox; however, he met with misfortune when a certain newly-transformed Void ran rampant. Alone, Ogre fought to stop the Void, but ended up falling into the Abyss of the Night along with it. He has been missing ever since. …Until now. How has Ogre returned to this world? And for what purpose? Ogre himself doesn’t know the answers.
Izumi (voiced by Reina Kondo)
“I’d like to think I’m ready for this… but it’s all happening so fast! I mean, who wouldn’t complain at least a little in this situation? Hey, Elefee, are you listening to me?”
Ability: Transition
Weapon: Elefee
Izumi is the wielder of Initiator-the final key to unlock the door of the Night. To be precise, it takes the form of a mysterious fish that follows her around. Among the Weapons of Judgment, each deeply tied to the Night, Initiator plays the crucial role of “the end.” Up until now, Initiator has monitored the Night from a distance, but now, the time has come to settle the matter. The mysterious fish never shares any details about what is afoot; Izumi knows next to nothing of the Night. She longs for the day to come when she’ll no longer be used by her fishy companion Elefee…