Versus Evil to shut down [Update]
Baltimore-based publisher closes its doors after 10 years.
tinyBuild subsidiary Versus Evil will shut down, the company announced.
The Baltimore-based publisher was established in September 2013, and has since published a number of games from independent games.
“Today is a sad day,” the company said in a tweet. “After 10 wonderful years, Versus Evil is shutting its doors. We’ve loved bringing you the best indie games we could find and sharing so many happy memories with you all, our amazing community! From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for everything!”
According to Versus Evil head of production Lance James, “this wasn’t a Versus Evil decision or choice.”
Versus Evil still has multiple upcoming titles, including Monolith: Requiem of the Ancients and Lil’ Guardsman. It is currently unclear whether these will be picked up by parent company tinyBuild, or whether they will need to seek out a new publishing partner.
Update 12/23/23 at 5:23 a.m.: According to Versus Evil, its upcoming releases will now be published by tinyBuild.