BitSummit Let’s Go!! to feature over 90 games, main visual unveiled
Taking place in Kyoto from July 14 to 16.
The BitSummit Organization Committee has unveiled the games lineup and main visual for BitSummit Let’s Go!!, which will take place from July 14 to 16 at Miyako Messe Exhibition Center in Kyoto, Japan.

The independent games exhibition will feature over 90 games from Japan and across the world playable on the show floor, including a mix of award-winning and critically-acclaimed games alongside soon-to-be-discovered gems. The complete roster of titles is available at the BitSummit Let’s Go!! official website.
Users at home will be able to view BitSummit Let’s Go!! through live streams on BitSummit’s YouTube, TikTok, and Twitch channels via a special collaboration between BitSummit and The MIX.