Publisher Dear Villagers and developer WildArts will release 2.5D adventure RPG Born of Bread for PC via Steam in summer 2023, the companies announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via Dear Villagers:
Born of Bread is a home-cooked retro throwback to classic cartoony RPGs full of fun characters and charming stories for children and adults alike.
To bake Born of Bread, you’ll need the following ingredients:
- One flour golem who possesses a never-ending childlike wonder and a set of odd abilities
- A wonderful world ripe with mysteries
- An eclectic cast of fleshed-out characters
- A wacky storyline
- A pinch of light puzzles
- Turn-based battles with a dash of real-time minigames
- Bright, colorful 2.5D graphics
- Side-missions (add to taste)
- A captive audience granting you bonuses in battle
To start with, you’ll want your flour golem, Loaf. Put him in a mystical land where he can mingle with his friends and local folk. Although he may not look like much, Loaf might be the hero this land kneads!
Stir in a story of beings from another age causing havoc across the land. And with their mischief comes a great threat to everyone!
Mold an eclectic cast of endearing characters, 2.5D illustrated setting, environmental puzzles, and unique turn-based / real-time hybrid battles. Be sure you know what your enemy is weak or resistant against, as it will take brains and reflexes to thwart Born of Bread‘s throngs of foes.
Ensure that each battle in Born of Bread is live-streamed. If the player’s actions entertain the audience enough, they’ll be rewarded with bonuses. Additionally, permanent viewers can offer further objectives to complete for even more rewards.
Piece of cake! Now leave in the oven until summer 2023.
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“Born of Bread is a love letter to family friendly RPGs of yore,” said WildArts lead designer and programmer Nicolas Lamarche in a press release. “Inspired by titles like Paper Mario and Undertale, Born of Bread creates an enchanting world of endearing characters, whimsical storylines, and clever combat mechanics to make for a rousing nostalgia-tinged adventure. We wanted Born of Bread to tackle heavy topics, such as character growth and the meaning of kinship, while remaining consistently joyful and funny.”
Dear Villagers head of publishing Guillaume Jamet addedm “They don’t make ’em like they used to when it comes to innocent, endearing RPGs. At least that’s what I thought before I saw Born of Bread. From the first time we saw it we knew WildArts was onto something here, creating such an appealing art style and story. When we saw it had the gameplay chops to support that we were instantly hooked!”
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.