Dragon Quest Treasures details gangs, base, facilities, The Snarl, and rivals
Dive into the various amenities available at your base.
Publisher and developer Square Enix, and developer TOSE have released new information and screenshots for Dragon Quest Treasures introducing gangs, your home base, facilities available at the base, The Snarl maze below the base, and rival characters.
Get the details below.
■ Forming a Gang
With the threat of rival treasure-hunting crews looming large, Erik and Mia form a gang of their own and even manage to snag a base of operations.
The name of your gang is entirely up to you! Once you’ve settled on a great name, it’s time to choose the perfect flag.
—The “Change Gang Name” prompt.
More flags can be unlocked by defeating rival gangs or exploring the far-flung reaches of Draconia.
—Flag selection.
Every piece of loot you acquire adds to the total value of your treasure vault. When this value hits a certain point, your gang will go up a rank, unlocking new treasure-hunting abilities and the option to add to the base’s amenities.
The best way to build a bigger and better gang is to collect as much treasure as possible!
Now that their flag is raised, it’s official—Erik and Mia’s gang has its own base!
As the base grows and their skills improve, Erik and Mia will soon be swimming in treasure!
■ Who’s in the Gang?
Your gang’s membership is made up of the monster inhabitants of Draconia.
Purrsula is a mysterious creature who advises Erik and Mia and helps them to form their gang.
After battle, some monsters will be inspired to join your gang.
You’ll take the treasure you find together back to base, where it will be appraised and added to your collection, boosting the value of your vault as a whole.
As the value of your treasure vault goes up, so will your gang’s rank.
Each new rank comes with a host of benefits to make you a better treasure hunter, as well as adding bonus multipliers to the value of the loot you bring back.
■ Your Home Base
As Erik and Mia explore Draconia, they come across an unusual island that was once home to the HQ of the Trans-Draconic Railway Company. One of its loyal employees, Mr Euston, agrees to let them use the island as their base.
An old, broken-down train is made operational again thanks to Erik and Mia’s trusty Dragon Daggers!
This is Mr. Euston—an employee of the Trans-Draconic Railway Company who dreams of restoring the rail network to its former glory. He agrees to let Erik and Mia use the company HQ as a base, but only if they help him to re-establish the railways.
From the base, Erik and Mia plan for their adventures, organize the monsters in their party and even send teams of monsters on missions to bring back loot. The old storeroom is the perfect place for the siblings to display their favorite treasures.
Do a favor or two for certain monsters and they might decide to set up shop at the base!
Taking turns is key to a happy sibling relationship, so don’t forget to switch between Erik and Mia at the base from time to time!
■ Base Facilities
As you progress through the game, you will add to your base’s amenities. Here are some of the base facilities you will get access to:
All the treasure Erik and Mia collect is stored in the vault. They can use the plinths there to display their favorite pieces for all the world to see.
Raising your gang’s rank unlocks more plinths for displaying treasure.
Off-duty gang members will occasionally polish the treasure that’s on display, raising its value further!
Facility 2: Worker Dormitory
Mr. Muddimer will help you rearrange your party and assist when it’s time to let go of monsters that aren’t fulfilling their potential. When your gang rank is high enough, you’ll earn the ability to send teams of monsters out on dispatch missions to all corners of Draconia.
Mr Muddimer is one of the few remaining railway employees and head of staff.
Speak to Mr. Muddimer to organize your party. If the dorms reach capacity, he’s also on hand to help let go of a few monsters and free up some much-needed space.
Keep raising your gang’s rank to unlock dispatch missions. These special expeditions allow you to send monsters all over Draconia in search of crafting materials and treasure.
Facility 3: Personnel Department
Miss Cecily is head of the railway company’s personnel department. She handles the application process for monsters looking to join the gang. Once your gang’s rank is high enough, she can also help set up additional facilities, like a shop, cafeteria and pellet workshop.
Head to Miss Cecily’s desk when you need a new recruit for the gang. She’ll also inform you when new applications come in.
When it comes to useful new facilities, Miss Cecily is the woman to speak to. She’ll even point you in the right direction when it comes to finding the perfect monsters to work there.
Facility 4: Item Shop
Bricky Rix is a merchant and one-time trading partner of the railway company. He scours Draconia looking for the best products with which to stock the shelves of his emporium.
Bricky Rix stocks food recipes, pellet formulae and the materials needed to make them. As the story progresses, he’ll begin to add new products to his line-up.
Facility 5: Cafeteria
Madame Blancmange is Draconia’s premier chef. From her cafeteria kitchen she creates mouth-watering meals to power up your monsters. She can also whip up rare delicacies… provided you give her the recipes!
Feeding your monsters can give them a quick stat boost, raise their resistances, and more.
Facility 6: Pellet Workshop
A former railway company mechanic and train builder, Axel uses his mechanic’s know-how to make catapult pellets for Erik and Mia. He stocks a range of pellets, and if you provide him with the formula, he can whip up some extra special projectiles for you.
Some pellets cause physical damage, while others are imbued with elemental attributes, such as wind or fire.
■ The Snarl
Draconia is an ancient land with many mysteries, and Erik and Mia’s base is no exception.
A maze of rooms extends deep below the ground, joined by a series of interconnected teleportals. Stranger still, the maze changes every time someone enters, with different enemies to fight and new rewards up for grabs.
Only the bravest treasure hunters dare to plumb its deepest, darkest depths and discover its secrets!
■ Rivals
Erik and Mia aren’t the only ones determined to discover all of Draconia’s treasures. They’ve got rivals to contend with, and they’ll stop at nothing to take your hard-earned loot.
Rival gangs will try anything to get their hands on your treasure, from attacking you out in the field, to launching a raid on your base. Rival gang members are not to be taken lightly, so be sure to have some friendly monsters in tow when you go to confront them!
You’ll be given a warning if a rival gang approaches while you’re out in the field searching for treasure.
A rival gang draws near! It’s as though they can sniff out any treasure you’re carrying… and now they’re attacking in the hope of stealing it from you!
If the monsters in your party drop any treasure they’re carrying, it’ll be snapped up by the rival gang. Fight back to keep your treasures safe!
Some audacious gangs will attack your base in the hope of stealing the treasures you keep there, or will attack the monsters you’ve dispatched on a mission.
Successfully defending a treasure from a rival gang will increase its value.
If a rival gang overpowers you and successfully steals your treasure, they’ll flee and go into hiding somewhere in Draconia. Track them down and take back your treasure!
■ Meet Your Rivals
Of all the treasure-hunting gangs that operate in Draconia, two are particularly notorious: The Thunderous Plunderers and The Sylphanian Expedition. Both these gangs have a flying ship at their disposal, and a host of hardened treasure hunters among their ranks. Let’s take a closer look!
The Thunderous Plunderers
A band of sky pirates under the charismatic leadership of Long John Silverbones. The Plunderers have several hundred members, both human and monster.
Long John Silverbones is the infamous leader of the Thunderous Plunderers. A cruel and cold-hearted pirate, he is known for immediately dispensing with anyone for whom he no longer has a use.
Gustav is one of Long John Silverbones’ trusted officers. He is fiercely loyal, and all but worships his captain.
Bonnie is another one of Long John Silverbones’ devoted officers. She is trusted and admired by her fellow Plunderers, who see her as something of an older sister.
Admiral Mogsworth is a feline pirate whose position within the Plunderers is rather precarious. He has been very taken with Mia ever since he encountered her in the forest.
Shambles is a sharp-tongued sky pirate who’s never seen without her sidekick Shady—despite being frustrated by his constant failings.
Shady is a sky pirate who forms something of a double act with Shambles. He tends to be a bit of a bungler, and therefore admires Shambles’ no-nonsense attitude.
The Sylphanian Expedition
The Sylphanian Kingdom has dispatched a special expedition to Draconia in search of treasure. They’ve established stockades on two separate islands, from where they conduct their operations.
Captain Levanter is a bold, if rather blunt, figure who leads the Sylphanian expedition. He appears to have a long-standing enmity towards Long John Silverbones…
Gayle is a cheerful and kind-hearted young woman who works under Captain Levanter. She’s still just a novice when it comes to treasure hunting, but is working hard to improve her skills.
■ Additional Rivals
Dragon Quest Treasures features lots of unique and interesting gangs apart from those featured above.
One of them is led by none other than the notorious bandit Robbin’ ‘Ood…
Not all rival gangs are hostile—some would prefer to strike up a friendship with Erik and Mia’s gang. Keep an eye out for these characters, as they’ll often be happy to share nuggets of treasure hunting know-how with you.
Erik and Mia run into Princess Anemone all over Draconia. Not only is she an accomplished scholar, she also has all the refinement one would expect from royalty. But if she’s not a treasure hunter, what is she looking for in Draconia?
Dragon Quest Treasures is due out for Switch on December 9 worldwide.