Capcom has released a free title update for Capcom Fighting Collection, which adds new quality of life improvements, color blind accessibility options for Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, a new Smooth Filter, viewable hitboxes in Training Mode, and more.
Get the patch notes below.
- Game System
- Added Features
- Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo – A new “Gem Colors” option was added to the game’s EX Settings. You can choose between the original palette of gem colors and up to 6 different alternate palettes.
- Hyper Street Fighter II – A new “Difficulty Table” option was added to the game’s EX Settings. You can choose between a CPU opponent difficulty table based on the English version or the Japanese version.
- Display Filter / Display Size – “Type H” has been added to the display filter options. You can also now preview the game screen when adjusting the options for the display filter and display size.
- A “Shuffled Slideshow” feature has been added to the gallery.
- Bug Fixes
- Darkstalkers – Phobos: Fixed an issue where KO-ing an opponent with Circuit Scrapper would sometimes not transition into a victory pose. (This is a bug from the original game.)
- Vampire Savior / Vampire Hunter 2 / Vampire Savior 2 – Fixed an issue where selecting TURBO would set the speed to NORMAL even when the speed select option was set to “Free Select” options 1 through 3.
- Super Gem Fighter – Fixed an issue where the game speed would be set to 1 when the speed select option was set to “Free Select,” no matter what selection was made.
- Nintendo Switch Version: Fixed an issue preventing players from viewing the leaderboards.
- Online
- Bug Fixes
- Casual and Ranked Match – Searches It is now easier to match with opponents when entering a standby search with only one game selected.
- Custom Match Lobby Searches – Lobbies where a match is in progress will now show up in the search results. Joining one of these lobbies will prompt a waiting message, and you’ll be able to join the lobby as soon as the current game ends and the players return to the lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused unintentional audio bugs during rollbacks.
- Added Features
- Casual and Ranked Matches – It is now possible to cancel a match even after selecting “Yes” after matching with an opponent. Additionally, if you leave a match, you will be prompted afterwards on whether to re-enter standby.
- You can now gauge an opponent’s latency by color. When matching with opponents for casual and ranked matches, this is indicated by the color of the line below the game’s title. In custom match lobbies, this is indicated by the color of the player’s order number. You can now also change your input delay settings on either of these two screens.
- Color Code
- Blue – 30 ms or lower
- Green – 31 – 60 ms
- Yellow: 61 – 90 ms
- Orange: 91 – 160 ms
- Red: 161 ms or higher
- Changes
- You can now play up to 10 rematches in casual and ranked matches (up from 3).
- Added Features (PS4 Version)
- Each player’s online ID now displays on screen during matches.
- Training
- Added Features
- A “Hit Boxes” display setting has been added to the training options. Turn this setting on to display character and effect hit boxes.
- Super Gem Fighter /Hyper Street Fighter II / Red Earth – The attack data display on the training mode screen now also shows stun data.
- Vampire Savior / Vampire Hunter 2 / Vampire Savior 2 – A “Dark Force” option is now available in training mode. You can select from normal behavior or infinite Dark Force gauge.
- Vampire Savior / Vampire Savior 2 – A “Gloomy Puppet Show” option is now available in training mode. You can choose from normal (random) behavior for the move, or lock it to any of the 6 different patterns.
- Super Gem Fighter – A “Gem Level” option is now available in training mode. You can choose from normal behavior or lock any gem to a level from 1 to 3.
- Red Earth
- A “Character Level” option is now available in training mode.
- Both bonus stages have been added to the stage select in boss training mode.
- A “Mystic Orb” option is now available in training mode, and allows you to select infinite orbs of any single element.
- Restarting the match while moving left or right will now you restart you at the edge of the screen.
- Changes
- The pre-match intro no longer plays when restarting the match.
- Other
- Changes
- Hyper Street Fighter II – The background design in E. Honda’s stage, “JAPAN (E.Honda),” has been updated.
- Other minor bug fixes have been made.
Capcom Fighting Collection is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam.
Watch a new trailer below.
Free Update Trailer