1987 arcade game remake Psychic 5 Eternal announced for Switch
Explore mazes and jump high above with hammer in hand.
Publisher City Connection and developer CRT Games have announced Psychic 5 Eternal for Switch. It is a remake of the 1987-released arcade game Psychic 5. It will launch in spring 2023.
Psychic 5 will be playable at the City Connection booth at Tokyo Game Show 2022, which will run from September 15 to 18 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
Here is an overview of the game, via City Connection:
This is a remake of Psychic 5, a game released in 1987 on arcades.
This game is an action game and your goal is to save your friends in a vast maze kept by the Demon King.
Your jumps are floaty and you can play five different characters, from a little girl to an old gramp.
It features an arcade mode with the old vertical screen, but also a brand new 16:9 screen ratio and a two-player mode—in which two players share the screen.
And that’s not all: you can switch between the old graphics and new ones made for this new title.
As for the soundtrack, new arrangements were done by Shinichi Sakamoto, the original composer of the arcade version.
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.