A mysterious boy that Van and company encounter at a certain place, nicknamed “The Light Bullet.”
He seems to be Jolda’s twin brother.
He has a taunting, live-in-the-moment-type personality that shows signs of insanity in his light tone.
He is a cunning fighter who utilizes a magic silver long rifle as his weapon, and can change the trajectory of his magic bullets with his special abilities.
He has been working behind the scenes in various parts of the Republic by the orders of Ellroy Harwood, an Anguis of Ouroboros, but his relationship with Harwood beyond that and personal history remain shrouded in mystery.
Jolda (voiced by Aoi Koga)
Age: 14
Weapon: Shadow Hand
A mysterious girl who the members of the Solutions Office encounter at a certain place, nicknamed “The Shadow Eater.”
She seems to be Ixs’ twin sister.
She mostly keeps to herself and is hesitant to do anything she is not required to do, but when the situation calls for it, also shows signs of insanity in different ways from her brother.
Despite the fact that she is not very physically strong, she uses her powers to summon a giant hand made of “shadows,” and uses it at her will to demonstrate a level of combat that can easily overwhelm the average Jaeger.
Like Ixs, she seems to be acting behind the scenes in the Republic, but her motives are unclear.
Garden-Master (voiced by Atsushi Tamaru)
Age: ???
Weapon: Special Greatsword
A mysterious man in white garments, who acts behind the scenes as leader of the remnants of “Garden,” a viscous assassins organization that cooperated with the mafia organization Almata in the past.
Although somewhat arrogant and self-absorbed with his own actions, he is highly skilled with the two special greatswords he wields.
He seems to have come in to power after Swin and Nadia left Garden, and neither of them were told of his existence.
He seems to have some connection to Grendel-Zolga and Hollow Core AI Altera, which appear to be the cause behind the bizarre murders in Edith…
Towa Herschel (voiced by Ai Nonaka)
Age: 23
A teacher who came to Aramis High School as a substitute from the Erebonian Empire’s Thors Military Academy.
Alongside her career as a teacher, she is also a member of a non-governmental organization (NGO) and is concerned about the poverty and environmental problems across the land.
Despite her childlike appearance, she is extremely wise and has a strong sense of responsibility, and has accomplished many operations and negotiations since her days as a student.
She and her schoolmates have witnessed countless “behind the scenes events” in the western side of the continent, such as the Imperial Civial War, so it is suspected that there is a reason behind her arrival in the Republic….
Sherid Asverl (voiced by Shunsuke Takeuchi)
Age: 28
Weapon: Gems and Flute
The first prince and son of Grand Prince Saruman of the Principality of Elsaim, which is a Middle-Eastern country that honors its traditions.
Although he has a noble atmosphere worthy of a prince, he is also quite friendly and serene, can be frivolous at his worst, and enjoys interacting with people of different classes.
He is very knowledgeable when it comes to the arts and culture, and formed a connection with Van and company during the Tharbad Film Festival.
When it comes to navigating international affairs as a noble, he looks up to Olivert, the first prince of the Empire, as his role model.
Zita Asverl (voiced by Azumi Waki)
Age: 17
The princess of the Principality of Elsaim and Sherid’s younger sister.
She is wise, earnest, and dependable, and while Sherid has described her as “a sister who has accomplished more than I,” she has a great deal of respect for her brother.
On the other hand, she can also sometimes bury herself in fantasies just like any other girl her age.
She seems to get along with her friendly brother, and they share common interest such as orbal cinema.
Naje Berca (voiced by Yumi Hara)
Age: 25
Weapon: Gun-Shamshir
A woman in black who acts as Prince Sherid’s royal guard and secretary.
She uses a weapon known as the Gun-Shamshir, which is a Middle-Eastern traditional curved sword equipped with an orbal unit, and is known as one of the best royal swordsmen in the Principality.
While Sherid trusts her greatly as a loyal subject who carries out her duties quietly and precisely, she often has to scold him due to his frivolous behavior outside the country.
She usually acts as Sherid’s royal guard, but because of that trust sometimes takes on the role of his sister Zita’s guard and assistant.
The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki II -CRIMSON SiN- is due out for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on September 29 in Japan, and in 2022 in Asia with Traditional Chinese and Korean subtitles. Read more about the game here, here, here, here, here, and here.