SUCCESS Corporation has announced Hakoniwa Bokujou Hitsuji Mura, a new entry in its long-running Hitsuji Mura farm life simulation series. It will launch both physically and digitally for Switch on November 10 in Japan for 4,180 yen. While it will only support Japanese at launch, it will add English language support via a post-launch update.
The Hitsuji Mura series consists of the following titles:
- Youkoso Hitsuji Mura / Shepherd’s Crossing (PS2) – December 25, 2003
- Hakoniwa Seikatsu Hitsuji Mura DS / Shepherd’s Crossing 2 (DS) – June 26, 2008
- Youkoso Hitsuji Mura Portable / Shepherd’s Crossing (PSP) – May 28, 2009
- Minna de Kurasou! Hitsuji Mura (mixi App) – December 21, 2009
- Makiba Seikatsu Hitsuji Mura (mixi App, Yahoo! mobage) – December 27, 2010
- Rakuen Seikatsu Hitsuji Mura (SUCCESS, Gesoten, HanGame, GREE, my GAMECITY, mixi Game, Ameba, Yahoo! mobage, Niconico App) – April 2, 2014
- Rakuen Seikatsu Hitsuji Mura (iOS, Android) – August 8, 2019
Hakoniwa Bokujou Hitsuji Mura is a high-definition remaster of Youkoso Hitsuji Mura Portable with new elements added, including:
- Farm Zoom-Out Display Mode Added – Taking advantage of Switch’s high-resolution display, a “Farm Zoom-Out Display Mode” which displays the farm in its original pixel size has been added, allowing players to experience a livelier farm with various small animals bustling about. Of course, the traditional magnified display is also supported. You can switch between displays using the R stick.
- High-Resolution Graphics – The user interface, event scenes, and pixel art graphics have all been upgraded to high-resolution. Whereas Youkoso Hitsuji Mura Portable ran at a display size of 480×272, Hakoniwa Bokujou Hitsuji Mura runs at 1280×720.
- More Item Slots and a Selection Cursor – Whereas Youkoso Hitsuji Mura Portable only allowed you to hold three items at once, Hakoniwa Bokujou Hitsuji Mura allows you to hold seven. A selection cursor has also been added, allowing free selection of items to be placed on the farm.
- Item Target Marker Added – The support feature “Target Marker” has been added, allowing the player to check where an item will be placed before it is set. This can be turned ON or OFF in the settings.
Watch a teaser trailer below. View a set of screenshots at the gallery. Visit the official website here.
Teaser Trailer
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