Capcom has released two new trailers and screenshots for the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion revealing the return of Shagaru Magala, Furious Rajang, and a new variant of Monster Hunter Rise flagship monster Scorned Magnamalo, as well as a new High Rank armor set and weapon trees.
Get the details below.
The first trailer reveals the return of the fan-favorite Shagaru Magala, Furious Rajang, and a punishing new variant of the flagship monster from Monster Hunter Rise, Scorned Magnamalo. The action-packed trailer also includes footage of the returning fan-favorites, Elder Dragons, subspecies and variant monsters revealed to be joining the monster mash (thus far) in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, including a look at the return of Seething Bazelgeuse in the expansion’s first title update.
Finally, a second new trailer detailed a new High Rank armor set and weapon trees that can be used to help fledgling hunters forge a path to the exciting new Master Rank content.
Making its western debut in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Shagaru Magala is the adult form of that title’s flagship monster Gore Magala. Time has only allowed this monster to grow even more powerful and ferocious than its juvenile counterpart, imparting it with a relentlessly aggressive disposition. Hunters assigned with confronting this monumental menace must be prepared for anything, or risk becoming part of the feeding frenzy.
Alongside Gore Magala, both Furious Rajang and Seething Bazelgeuse are likely to cause some havoc in the Kingdom, bringing with them their trademark appetites for destruction.
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Finally, hunters got their first look at Scorned Magnamalo, a new variant to the marquee monster from Monster Hunter Rise. This agile predator boasts an even thicker coat of spiked armor to augment its deadly attacks, making any blow a potential graveyard smash.
Today’s reveals also included the announcement of the “Black Belt S” and High Rank “Defender” weapon tree for players looking to fast track their journey to Master Rank. The “Black Belt S” armor set can be acquired by visiting Senri the Mailman at the start of the game, and offer enough defensive stats to weather attacks from even High Rank monsters. The “Defender” weapons previously introduced in Monster Hunter Rise now have High Rank weapon trees that can be accessed at the Smithy. These upgraded weapons will provide enough damage to topple any obstacle on the path to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. These new items are being added as part of Monster Hunter Rise Ver. 10. Note that the update will be available on Nintendo Switch on June 29, 2022, while the PC (Steam) update will release alongside Sunbreak on June 30, 2022.
The Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion is due out for Switch and PC via Steam on June 30. Monster Hunter Rise is available now for Switch and PC via Steam.
Watch the new trailers below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
A Kingdom’s Savior Trailer
Black Belt S Armor and High Rank Defender Weapon Tree