Next Digimon Story game still in development, set in the Digital World and themed around the Olympos XII
No further details announced.
The next Digimon Story game, which was first confirmed in December 2017 and last mentioned in September 2018, remains in development, and will be set in the Digital World with a story themed around the Olympos XII, Digimon games producer Kazumasu Habu confirmed during a Q&A at Digimon Con 2022.
Further details were not announced.
Here is the full transcript:
Is the new Digimon Story game under development?
Kazumasu Habu, Producer: “Yes, we are developing a new Digimon Story. We can’t say when it will be released, but we hope you will look forward to it.”
Will the next Digimon Story‘s theme be based on the Olympos XII?
Habu: “Yes, the Olympos XII will appear as the central characters of the story.”
Will the next game be set in the Digital World?
Habu: “The next Digimon Story game will also be set in the Digital World for sure.”
Watch the full “Digimon Games Ultimate Information and Q&A Session” below.
Digimon Con 2022 Digimon Games Ultimate Information and Q&A Session
(Editor’s Note: Image is from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.)