Idea Factory announces new Otomate titles for Switch, new brand Altergear
Cupid Parasite fan disc, KLAP!! port, and more.
Idea Factory announced various new Otomate brand otome visual novels for Switch as part of its Dessert de Otomate 2022 fan event, as well as revealed the new brand Altergear, which will release male-centered stories that focus on bonds and friendship.
Get the details below.
New Titles
Cupid Parasite: Sweet & Spicy Darling
A fan disc to the goddess x marriage hunter comedy Cupid Parasite. Sweeter and more stimulating, a newlywed and sweetheart life with the boys awaits. Visit the official Twitter account @CP_Otomate.
Hakuoki Shinkai: Tenun no Shou
In Kyoto, a city colored by the seasons, a story buried in history will unfold. Visit the official website here starting February 21. Visit the official Twitter account @HakuokiShinkai.
KLAP!! for Nintendo Switch
A Switch port of KLAP!! Kind Love and Punish, which originally released for PS Vita on July 30, 2015 in Japan. It will launch on June 9. Visit the official website here starting February 21. Visit the official Twitter account @KLAP_Otomate.
Tsuiteru Hime to Tsuitenai Kishidan
A story about a princess and knights will unfold in the kingdom of Temilana in another world known as Etrudia. Visit the official website here. Visit the official Twitter account @TsuiTsuiOtomate.
Previously Announced Titles
Opening movie released. Visit the official website here. Visit the official Twitter account @Tengoku_Otomate.
New Brand
Altergear is a new game brand from Idea Factory, which will release male-centered stories built upon bonds and friendship. Visit the official website here. Visit the official Twitter account @ALTERGEAR_Web.
The first few titles from its lineup are the following three Switch visual novels:
—DIG-ROCK: Documentary of Youthful Sounds
—Rashomon of Shinjuku
Otomate Party 2022
Otomate Party 2022 will be held from September 3 to 4 at Tokyo International Forum Hall A. Further details will be announced at a later date.