Project Lumina has released a new trailer for Melty Blood: Type Lumina introducing playable character Kohaku (voiced by Yuuki Kuwahara).
“A trickster-type fighter with a long reach that allows her to control the battle flow, and she has a lot of freedom through her traps and attacks that come in waves,” Project Lumina said.
Here is her character description, via the game’s official website:
She and her twin sister Hisui have worked for the Tohno family since they were young. Her trademark outfit is an apron over a classic kimono. Apart from assisting Akiha, she does household chores and tends the garden.Her pharmaceutical knowledge means she is also responsible for Shiki when he falls ill. She is endlessly cheerful, always willing to help, and wears a constant smile. In battle, Kohaku can be seen wielding the sword she keeps hidden in her broom, calling on strange plants, and even dropping fire bombs from above as if by magic. How she is capable of such things is still a mystery to those around her.
Previous character trailers introduced Kouma Kishima, Arcueid Brunestud, Ciel, Akiha Tohno, Hisui & Kohaku, and Hisui.
Melty Blood: Type Lumina is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on September 30 worldwide.
Watch the trailer below.