Deep Silver announces reformation of Free Radical Design to develop next TimeSplitters game
Development to begin in "the coming months."
Publisher Deep Silver has announced the reformation of Free Radical Design, a new studio that will start development the next entry in the TimeSplitters franchise “in the coming months.” It was formed by key members of original Free Radical Design team, including founders Steve Ellis and David Doak.
Here is an overview of the series, via Deep Silver:
The highly regarded Free Radical Design team has a twenty-two year heritage under various guises and is responsible for some of the best loved, most iconic video games of the early 2000s, including TimeSplitters—the first title it released in 2000. The critically acclaimed TimeSplitters series went on to include two further iterations, all of which were loaded with humorous pop culture references as players battle across various locations and historical periods.
“It’s this unique style that earned the TimeSplitters series a large and passionate following who will, without doubt, be excited by the formation of Deep Silver’s latest studio and will look forward to learning more as the franchise moves forward,” said Deep Silver global brand and marketing director Paul Nicholls in a press release.
Free Radical Design studio development director Steve Ellis added, “To finally be able to confirm that the studio has been formed and that we have a plan for the next TimeSplitters game is incredible. While we cannot tell you anything more at the moment, we look forward to sharing information in the future.”
Free Radical Design is based in Nottingham and is currently concentrating on building the studio before moving on to development.