Samurai Warriors 5 adds Shikanosuke Yamanaka, Hanbei Takenaka, Kanbei Kuroda, Kazuuji Nakamura, and Sena
Plus: Season Pass announced and nearly 15 minutes of gameplay.
Shikanosuke Yamanaka, Hanbei Takenaka, Kanbei Kuroda, Kazuuji Nakamura, and Sena will be playable in Samurai Warriors 5, publisher Koei Tecmo and developer Omega Force announced during the game’s second official live stream.
The Amago family’s retainer. A cheerful young man with a frank personality. He met Mitsuhide when he was being attacked by Mōri during an arduous battle. From then on, he began to work alongside Mitsuhide while working to restore the Amago family to their former glory.
A tactician who serves the Saitō family. While he appears very mild-mannered, Hanbei has unparalleled quick wits on the battlefield. He senses that Hideyoshi, his former enemy, has the potential to alter the future of Japan, so he decides to serve him to achieve that goal. He mentors Kanbei, his junior tactician.
A tactician from Harima. He serves Hideyoshi, who recognizes Kanbei as a tactical genius. Despite looking very composed, he is in fact very competitive and hates to lose. He respectfully refers to Hanbei, the tactician who served Hideyoshi before him, as “Master.”
A Koga Ninja. After his former employer, the Rokkaku family, was defeated by the Oda family, he was picked up by Hideyoshi and now serves him. While he acts cold and brusque, he has a deep sense of obligation towards Hideyoshi for saving him. He trained to become a ninja with Mitsuki from their early childhood.
Yoshimoto Imagawa’s niece. She has an unyielding spirit and often encourages Ieyasu, but is also very affectionate and devoted to him. Her uncle, Yoshimoto, thinks the world of her and cares for her dearly. She later becomes Ieyasu’s wife.
Samurai Warriors 5 will feature a total of 27 playable characters, all of which were chosen based on the story. The full list of currently confirmed playable characters is as follows:
Hanbei Takenaka
Hideyoshi Hashiba
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Kanbei Kuroda
Katsuie Shibata
Kazuuji Nakamura
Nagamasa Azai
Mitsuhide Akechi
Nobunaga Oda
Shikanosuke Yamanaka
Tadakatsu Honda
Toshiie Maeda
Toshimitsu Saito
Yoshimoto Imagawa
Koei Tecmo also confirmed it will release a Samurai Warriors 5 Season Pass for 3,300 yen, which includes:
Additional Scenario (six sets) and Background Music (six sets)
Additional Weapons (five sets with three weapons in each set)
Additional Horses (6 sets)
Users who purchase the Season Pass will also receive items to power up their warriors in the game, along with gold which can be used to purchase or strengthen weapons.
Finally, here are the latest details on the game:
Samurai Warriors 5 takes place inside the Sengoku period, during which an inverted social order extends across Japan. As war rages, several influential figures appear across the country seeking to reign supreme over these turbulent times. Among those figures, the great daimyō, Yoshimoto Imagawa, dispatches his troops to escort the minor daimyo of the neighboring nation—Ieyasu Tokugawa—as a hostage. While everyone is assessing the situation, there is one person watching all of this occur from high above… Nobunaga Oda. Samurai Warriors 5 begins with Nobunaga, along with his childhood friend Toshiie Maeda, as they make a raid on the Imagawa Army in order to rescue Ieyasu from his captors.
In Samurai Warriors 5, this and every raid will be complemented by the all-new ability to unleash Ultimate Skill attacks on enemies. Ultimate Skills are incredibly powerful actions that can be used during battle, with players able to equip up to four types of Ultimate Skills at any one time. Ultimate Skill types include the Avalanche, enabling you to thrust your Great Spear into the earth to create a shockwave that stuns nearby enemies; Recuperation, where you can either increase your attack power or defense, or recharge your Musou Gauge; Relentless Storm, where you throw enemies into the air, beat them to a pulp, then bring them down to the ground with a strike from your Great Spear; and Pulse, an Ultimate Skill suited for continuing combos, enabling you to connect Pulse Ultimate Skills and Musou attacks.
In addition, Hyper Attacks return to the battlefield, enabling characters to travel great distance while assaulting enemies. As the Hyper Attack allows you to round up combatants and can be connected to a standard attack, it acts as the perfect starting point for any battle.
Samurai Warriors 5 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on June 24 in Japan, followed by PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch in the west and PC via Steam worldwide on July 27.
Watch the latest gameplay footage below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
52:33 to 55:18 – Nobunaga Oda Cutscene featuring Nobuyuki Oda and No
56:06 to 1:02:04 – Nobunaga Oda Gameplay
1:02:05 to 1:03:00 – Mitsuhide Akechi Gameplay
1:04:29 to 1:06:50 – Ieyasu Tokugawa Gameplay
1:06:51 to 1:08:30 – Hideyoshi Hashiba Gameplay
1:11:08 to 1:12:05 – Nobunaga Oda and Mitsuhide Akechi Samurai Warriors 1 Costume Set (Early Purchase Bonus)