Clouded Leopard Entertainment will release Switch and PC (Steam) versions of the Falcom-developed The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki in summer 2021 in Japan and Asia, the company announced at Falcom Day 2020 Winter.
The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki first launched for PlayStation 4 on August 27 in Japan.
Update 10:10 p.m.: Here is the official press release:
Clouded Leopard Entertainment Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Nintendo Switch and Steam versions of Nihon Falcom, Ltd.’s hit RPG series, The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki, simultaneously in Japan and Asia, in the summer of 2021.
The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki is the latest installment in the Kiseki series, marking a turning point toward the series’ completion. It features a cross-story gameplay system that allows players to switch between three different characters, depicting the story from separate perspectives within the same timeline, as well as 50-plus playable characters and extensive scenarios that delve into the background of each character.
The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki for Nintendo Switch and Steam includes exclusive costumes, attachment items, etc. that were originally bundled with the PlayStation 4 version*. It is also compatible with the major update Beyond the Reverie, which expands various in-game elements such as increasing the max level limit, adding playable characters, and adding episodes.
*Includes only downloadable content sold on the PlayStation Store. Please note that consumable items are not included.
Where it all ends is where everything first began…
The empires of Zemuria have narrowly managed to escape the Great Twilight, a curse that threatened to end the world, thanks to the valiant efforts of those known as heroes. This has resulted in a ripple effect of events that hurtles the series toward its thrilling conclusion.
Following the Great Twilight calamity, the three protagonists across the Zemurian continent find themselves drawn together by the thread of fate.
Some are heroes, others are liberators, and yet others live as hermits. What will the people of Crossbell think of their newfound independence?
What will become of an empire which has lost one of its mighty limbs? And what of Ouroboros’ leader, the Grandmaster, and his ominous Eternal Regression Plan?
- Title: The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki
- Genre: Story-based RPG
- Release Date: Summer 2021
- Platform: Nintendo Switch /Steam
- MSRP: Pending
- Player(s): 1
- Rating: Unrated
- Developer: Nihon Falcom Corporation
- Distributor: Clouded Leopard Entertainment Inc.
- Audio Languages: Japanese
- Subtitle Languages: Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Korean
View the first screenshots of the Switch version in Korean and Traditional Chinese at the gallery.
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