Granzella has released the third official trailer for side-scrolling shoot ’em up sequel R-Type Final 2.
Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:
The Best R-Type We Can Make Now
Now that the wide screen aspect ratio of 16:9 has become standard, side-scrolling shooter games will evolve into something more exciting.
Wave Cannon attacks by trans-dimensional fighters equipped with firepower equivalent of that of a battleship. This game is thoroughly focused on expressions of how enemies are destroyed. The feeling of exhilaration in the destructions is thoroughly pursued.
The stage dominated by decaying organisms. As new enemies are generated from carcasses of the enemies, the more the player plays the game, the stronger enemies he or she gets. Not only the player’s fighter, but also the stages will evolve. That’s R-Type Final 2. Moreover, new stages are planned to be added after the release of the game.
Enhanced Playability, Full of Exciting and Enjoyable Elements
The level of difficulty is automatically adjusted according to the player’s ability. Exquisite gameplays will be met with higher difficulty levels which offer explosive increase of the scores. It guarantees high playability of the game by Score Attack. On the other hand, those who are not familiar with R-Type and who are new to play side scrolling shooter games are given a moderate level of difficulty so that they can avoid a gameplay that is “too difficult to play.”
The gameplay in which players make full use of Wave Cannon and Force to defeat formidable enemies remains alive. The game will be carefully created to bring about maneuvering and game development that are unique qualities of side scrolling shooter games.
Not only the enemy’s shots, but also tactics relating to geographical features, as well as ramming attacks by giant enemies pose a threat to the player’s fighter. The tension and thrill of cutting his or her way through huge enemies is something that only R-Type can offer.
Successive Trans-dimensional Fighters Make Renewed Appearances!
Dozens of fighters that appeared in the previous series are planned to make renewed appearances, including R-9A, R-9B, R-9D, R-9DH, R-9W, R-9SKW, RX-10, TW-2, and R-13A.
A greater variety and expressions of the Force and Wave Cannons to be available.
Colors and decals can be changed as you please.
R-Type Final 2 is due out for Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam in spring 2021.
Watch the trailer below.