Publisher Focus Home Interactive and developer Rogue Factor debuted a new trailer for Necromunda: Underhive Wars introducing the tactical RPG‘s factions during the Gamescom 2020: Opening Night Live stream.
Here is an overview of each faction, via Focus Home Interactive:
Rooted in Games Workshop’s iconic licence, Necromunda: Underhive Wars is an intense strategic battle of faction warfare between the three great houses of Necromunda.
Each Underhive house has its own unique charms and specializations:
- House Orlock – Ranged specialists with incredible accuracy. They’re tough to kill and filthy rich thanks to their control of key industrial areas in the Underhive.
- House Escher – A women-only gang that owns chem and stim production within the Underhive. They’re brutal killers with a penchant for melee combat.
- House Goliath – Gene-forged monsters of humans and the muscle of the Underhive. They don’t care for subtlety and happily attack with massive weapons.
And which house you choose is just the beginning! From there, you’ll be able to customize your units’ weapons, careers, color schemes, perks, stats, and more.
Necromunda: Underhive Wars is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on September 8.
Watch the trailer below.