Otomate New Title Party 2020 summary – CharadeManiacs for Switch, Paradigm Paradox, Tokei Jikake no Apocalypse, and more
News on Idea Factory's upcoming otome visual novels.
Idea Factory’s Otomate brand announced a number of new and ported otome visual novels for Switch during its Otomate New Title Party 2020 live stream today.
Get the full list of titles below.
New Title Announcements
CharadeManiacs for Nintendo Switch (Switch)
A Switch port of CharadeManiacs, which was first released for PS Vita in August 2018.
【オトメイト新作】【01】CharadeManiacs for Nintendo Switch
斉藤壮馬、鈴村健一、浪川大輔、古川 慎、前野智昭、関 智一、松岡禎丞、岡本信彦、緒方恵美/Nintendo Switch(2/2)#オトメイト新作2020 #乙女Switch #シャレマニ— 【公式】オトメイト (@OtomateWeb) July 17, 2020
Paradigm Paradox (Switch)
Gender reversal-themed heroes and villains otome visual novel featuring character designs by Nastuo and a main cast played by Eight Piece. Good or evil, which side will you choose?
【オトメイト新作】【04】Paradigm Paradox(パラダイムパラドックス)
畠中 祐、野上 翔、八代 拓、榎木淳弥、ランズベリー・アーサー、髙坂篤志、益山武明、千葉翔也/2021年発売予定(2/2)#オトメイト新作2020 #乙女Switch #8P #パラツー— 【公式】オトメイト (@OtomateWeb) July 17, 2020
Updates on Previously Announced Titles
Alice in the Country of Spades: Wonderful White World / Wonderful Black World
First announced in June 2019, the first titles from Otomate sub-brand QuinRose Reborn are still on the way.
小西克幸、最上嗣生、八代 拓、天﨑滉平、平川大輔、杉山紀彰、小野友樹、中井和哉、興津和幸、津田健次郎、浅沼晋太郎、石川界人/銃弾飛び交う恋愛AVG/Nintendo Switch(2/2)#オトメイト新作2020 #スペアリ #QuinRose_reborn pic.twitter.com/XHayLIkoR4— 【公式】オトメイト (@OtomateWeb) July 17, 2020
Bilshana Senki: Genpei Hika Musou (Switch)
Opening movie shown.
LoverPretend (Switch)
Delayed from 2020 to 2021.
私は【恋】を知らない、私には【恋】が描けない――偽物の恋が本物に変わるまでを描く現代ラブストーリー/2021年発売予定(2/2)https://t.co/1LPxeCu2Uf#オトメイト新作2020 #乙女Switch #ラバプリ— 【公式】オトメイト (@OtomateWeb) July 17, 2020
Meiji Katsugeki Haikara Ryuuseigumi: Seibai Shimaseu, Yonaoshi Kagyou (Switch)
New trailer shown.
Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu: Banka Aya Emaki for Nintendo Switch (Switch)
New trailer shown.
Tokei Jikake no Apocalypse (Switch)
First announced in June 2019, Tokei Jikake no Apocalypse now has a 2020 release window.
イラストレーター:花羽彩、シナリオライター:雨宮うた、ディレクター:斉藤あさみ/これはバッドエンドから始まる物語/鈴代紗弓、寺島惇太、細谷佳正、江口拓也、小野賢章、野上 翔/Nintendo Switch#オトメイト新作2020 #乙女Switch pic.twitter.com/Q8dl2RAwNj— 【公式】オトメイト (@OtomateWeb) July 17, 2020
Watch the full Otomate New Title Party 2020 showcase below.
- 6:12 – Charade Maniacs for Nintendo Switch
- 11:56 – Tokei Jikake no Apocalypse
- 39:00 – LoverPretend
- 42:13 – Alice in the Country of Spades: Wonderful White World / Wonderful Black World
- 1:04:49 – Paradigm Paradox
- 1:08:24 – Meiji Katsugeki Haikara Ryuuseigumi: Seibai Shimaseu, Yonaoshi Kagyou
- 1:11:04 – Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu: Banka Aya Emaki for Nintendo Switch
- 1:13:39 – Bilshana Senki: Genpei Hika Musou