Publisher Focus Home Interactive and developer New World Interactive have delayed the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of tactical first-person shooter Insurgency: Sandstorm from its previously planned August 25 release date to an unannounced date.
“We know this is very disappointing and frustrating news for those of you who have been waiting for the console release, and we know you have been waiting a long time to hear from us,” developer New World Interactive said in a message to fans. “We aim to make use of the additional time to improve the day one experience of our company’s first-ever console title. This additional time will allow us to deliver a more complete and optimized version of the game, as well as explore the exciting possibilities of a next-gen console release in addition to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.”
Insurgency: Sandstorm first launched for PC via Steam in December 2018.
Get the full message from New World Interactive below.
We have important information to share with our community today regarding the status of the upcoming PlayStation 4 and Xbox One releases of Insurgency: Sandstorm.
While development of the console versions has been on a good track, we will be unable to launch the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Insurgency: Sandstorm on August 25, 2020.
We know this is very disappointing and frustrating news for those of you who have been waiting for the console release, and we know you have been waiting a long time to hear from us. We aim to make use of the additional time to improve the day one experience of our company’s first-ever console title. This additional time will allow us to deliver a more complete and optimized version of the game, as well as explore the exciting possibilities of a next-gen console release in addition to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
We will keep our community updated as and when we get new information, and a new release date will be communicated via our social media and console newsletter. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this uncertain time and hope our fans and players around the world are staying safe and well.
Thank you,
Keith Warner, CEO and Derek Czerkaski, Head of Production