PS5 still on track for holiday launch, no major issues in game development
Ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has not had much of an impact, Sony says.
PlayStation 5 is still on track for launch this holiday season, and there have been no major issues in game development for Sony Interactive Entertainment first-party titles or its partners’ studios despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Sony said in its outlook for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021.
Here is the full statement:
Current View Regarding the Impact on the Business from the Spread of COVID-19
Although there has been a slight impact on production of PS4 hardware due to issues in the component supply chain, demand in the short-term is being addressed with current inventory and sales are trending well. Sales of game software that is downloaded from the network, as well as PS Plus and PlayStation Now (PS Now) subscriber numbers have significantly increased.
Regarding the launch of PlayStation 5, although factors such as employees working from home and restrictions on international travel have presented some challenges in regards to part of the testing process and the qualification of production lines, development is progressing with the launch of the console scheduled for the 2020 holiday season. At this point in time major problems have not arisen in the game software development pipeline for Sony’s own first-party studios or its partners’ studios.