“Weather’s not bad today… Oh, crud! Now that I’ve said that it’s bound to rain.”
The few young adventurers that the Mondstadt Adventurers’ Guild has always find themselves tangled up in baffling bouts of bad luck.
He is the only active member of his own adventure group, known as “Benny’s Adventure Team,” after all the other members decided to “take leave” following a series of unfortunate incidents. As a result, the team is currently on the verge of being dissolved.
Being unable to break the poor boy’s heart, Katheryne of the Adventurers’ Guild has kept “Benny’s Adventure Team” on the books, whilst also hiding from him the fact that all the other members have long since officially left the team.
The miHoYo forums offer an alternate version of the character profile:
Bennett (voiced by ???)
“So long as you do the exact opposite of whatever Bennett does, your whole adventure will go over smoothly.” – Advice from former Mondstadt Adventurers’ Guild member Herman.
Trial by Fire
Leader of Benny’s Adventure Team
Vision: Pyro
Constellation: Rota Calamitas
Bennett is a kind, passionate boy from Mondstadt, who dreams of becoming a great adventurer one day.
But, his bad luck always seems to get in the way…
Inexplicable landslides, running into overpowering enemies, never actually finding any treasure…
But Bennett doesn’t let his misfortune get him down. He continues to adventure with as much enthusiasm as he did on his very first outing, bettering himself despite his relentless bad luck.
Fischl’s raven Oz compliments Bennett on his robust nature, whilst the boy’s combat style, which shows a complete disregard for his own safety, has always fascinated Varka. Even Barbara, who comes across injuries on a regular basis, is surprised by how often he comes in injured or needing another dislocation popped back into place.
Bennett simply treats his own bad luck as just another stepping stone on his way to becoming a grand adventurer.
Bennett knows in his heart that this is the right attitude for the great adventurers of the future.