Dungeon Defenders: Awakened will launch for PC via Steam Early Access on February 21, followed by a full release on PC and Switch in Q2 2020, and PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later in 2020. It will support English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese language options. The full release will support cross-save functionality.
The Early Access version of Dungeon Defenders: Awakened will contain “nearly everything” in the full base game, including 12 levels, four playable heroes, and “virtually endless” enemies to defeat. Chromatic Games will incorporporate community feedback throughout the Early Access period, as well as add polish and “other surprises.”
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
The past has been changed! Choose your hero and construct an epic defense to fight off hordes of enemies while you jump into the fray to protect Etheria. Team up with up to four players as you level up, claim legendary loot, and take on the armies of enemies that await you!
Key Features
- Protect The Crystal – Master the Squire, Huntress, Apprentice, and Monk to fight off any enemy that approaches. Build and utilize their arsenal of blockades, towers, traps, and auras to keep the Eternia Crystals safe. The only requirement is to win, but it’s up to you to choose how!
- Party Up – Defending Etheria is better with friends! Bring three of your friends to jump into the fray with you. You can play online, local LAN, or offline 4 player splitscreen. The choice is yours!
- Make It Rain Loot – Gain a plethora of loot while fighting off waves of foes that approach! Swords, crossbows, staves, polearms, axes, grenade launchers, beam saber, and so much more are yours for the taking.
- Customize Customize Customize – Everything about Dungeon Defenders: Awakened is chosen by you. The gear you use, the way your hero looks, where you build your defenses, which defenses you build — you are the master of your destiny in Etheria!
Watch a new trailer below.