New Cotton title due out in 2021 in Japan
Platforms and other information not announced.
A new entry in the shoot ’em up series Cotton was announced at the Umihara Kawases BaZooKa! hands-on event held on December 21. Detailed information such as platforms were not announced, but it is planned for release in 2021 in Japan.
Cotton Reboot!, a reboot of the X68000 version of Cotton, is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in summer 2020 in Japan. It includes a faithful port of the X68000 version, as well as a new “Arrange Mode” with renewed graphics and characters, widescreen support, newly recorded voice-overs by new actors, and background music by notable games industry composers. There is also a “Score Attack Mode” where users can play timed runs (two or five minutes) and upload their scores online.
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