Bandai Namco has released the version 1.10 update for Code Vein, which adds Halloween-themed accessories, color pallets, and face paints, as well as various updates and bug fixes.
Here are the patch notes, via Bandai Namco:
Additional Content
- New creation accessories, color pallets, and face paints, Halloween-themed.
- New function for hair parts that allows to use as left-right symmetry.
- Character Creation
- Character creation data can be available at the camp.
- Extensions can be made symmetrical.
- Adjustments to accessory costs.
- Exploration
- Add option to lock the direction of radar mini-map.
- Trial of Blood only occurs a second time when the dropped item is picked up.
- Option to turn off exploration conversation.
- Battle
- Pop up message appears when the player is afflicted with status effect.
- Option to turn off damage screen effects when player is about to die.
- Ichor can be collected from sandbags at the camp.
- System
- Option to reduce difficulty which has been raised in new game plus.
- Buddies can be changed at the Mistle.
- Some item icons are adjusted.
Big Fixes
- Fixed application errors on the following conditions: Moving to event scenes with specific Blood Veil ; Guarding continuously right after pushing confirm button in front of a closed door ; Rebooting the game on Steam after moving to sleep mode during launching the game.
- Fixed matching facility while using keywords on Steam.
- Adjusted battle effects.
- Adjusted enemy’s movement.
- Fixed other minor issues.
Code Vein is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.