Experience will crowdfund a third entry in its Spirit Hunter series, which currently consists of Death Mark and NG, the company announced during its latest EXP Channel broadcast.
The company is aiming to release the game around summer 2021 in Japan. However, since the release timing depends on the game’s content, that window may not be change. While the platform is likely to be PlayStation 4, Experience would ideally like to simultaneously release a Switch version. A PS Vita version is not planned as there is no further support from the manufacturer.
Experience shared various concept artworks to convey the setting of the title. However, these are all just concepts at the moment, as ideas are still being thrown around within the company. The setting will be decided by the time the crowdfunding campaign begins, and introduced again through trailers and such.
The first illustration shows a city with an air of suspense drifting about. After the Little Red Riding Hood saga from Death Mark came to an end, H City was to have finally been at peace. But there is a feeling of discomfort among its residents. Things like, “Hasn’t the air felt muggy lately?” and “Isn’t it kind of cold out?”

The next illustration aims to show what the marked ones have been up to. However, it is unknown whether or not their episodes will be featured in the game.

The following illustration shows Death Mark protagonist Kazuo Yashiki visiting the scene of body discovery, with Shou Nagashima as a bodyguard. The current idea is to set the story several months after the end of the Little Red Riding Hood saga. It will take place in the same world as Death Mark, but have largely different gameplay systems. While still an adventure game, there will also be a movement screen, and the once-planned HP and mental fear gauges will be brought back.

The following image is one of various ideas. It shows Kazuo in an old, large school that has existed since before the war and has various rumors about it. Since there is a buddy system, they want to have another character following behind him. It will feel different to play depending on the person, and they are currently looking into utilizing a status screen and parameters.

For “Deadly Choice,” which is a system that was featured in Death Mark, they are looking into introducing tabletop RPG-like elements where your success rate depends on yours and your buddy’s parameters. Sometimes the correct answer may be the one with the lowest chance of success. The screen setup for monster encounters will be the same as previous games.

More information will be released either in October or November.
Thanks, Games Talk.