Warship strategy game Refight: The Last Warship coming to PS4
Survive, explore, confront, and capture.
Free-to-play warship strategy game Refight: The Last Warship, which first launched for PC via Steam in May, is coming to PlayStation 4, Chinese developer Fantian announced at ChinaJoy 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Players will need to overcome the harsh environments of rain and fog, and escape from random bombing areas and expanding blizzards. They must not only avoid enemy fire and torpedoes, bust also destroy enemies in a difficult environments to survive to the end.
The initial materials possessed by the player is very scarce. Materials appear randomly, and players need to use their keen sense of smell to explore and obtain supplies to strengthen their own battleships according to their own understanding of the map.
Confrontation with the player is the core of a battle royale game. There are three types of warships to choose from. On the sea where the enemy is surrounded, use the main gun to bombard, torpedo underwater attack, or a vertical launch missile fixed-point strike. It’s up to you.
Island Capture
The island is a battleground for the military. It can hide your warships and avoid enemy torpedoes. The rational use of the islands will allow you to better grasp the situation. Whoever masters the island will have the initiative in the battlefield.
Visit the official website here.